Project Partners

Bridge of Hope works through local partnerships in each country to enable school and college sponsorship of different individuals. Our local partners help pay the schools directly whilst monitoring the progress of the students throughout the year. For those coming from remote rural areas across Africa, our local partners help sponsor the accommodation and travel costs to enable access to learning.

Aveva Action for Good

Bridge of Hope is proud to partner with the Aveva Action for Good campaign. This ongoing partnership has enabled the sponsorship of Tibetan refugee children in India and Nepal to be able to attend school and university. For these young people, formal education would otherwise be denied.
Aveva Action for Good logo

Coptic Mission

Bridge of Hope has worked in partnership with the Coptic Mission since 2008 to help sponsor children and young adults to go to school and university from across Kenya. Several Kenyan students are now benefitting from this scheme. Emmanuel from Kibera has recently graduated with a degree in IT and Business Studies after a grant from the Bridge of Hope, administered by the Coptic Mission Education programme. Emmanuel is helping to bring hope to his community in Kibera by passing on his skills to the other youth in his community.

Ummah Foundation

Ummah Foundation is working in collaboration with the Bridge of Hope to administer the funding of college fees for bright Kenyan students who would otherwise be denied the chance of further education.

Due to the problems many Kenyans have faced in the education sector over the years, Ummah Foundation found it prudent to give this sector a vital place among its programmes. With many students dropping out of school due to lack of school fees and the absence of a well-entrenched bursary scheme to cater for their welfare, an Education Fund was established to cater for the interests of Kenyan students.

The Zakat Central Fund has played a key role in financing the education of the younger generation.

Hifadhi Africa

Bridge of Hope is proud to be working with Hifadhi Africa (Sustain Africa) through the work of one our alumni students who helped to create this foundation in order for children in his community in East Pokot in Kenya to have the means to go to school.

Tibet Relief Fund

Bridge of Hope works in partnership with the Tibet Relief Fund to enable Tibetan refugee children and young adults living in India and Nepal the chance of going to school and university.

Book Aid International

Book Aid International is a UK registered charity which provides books and supports libraries in Africa and around the world. Bridge of Hope is proud to support the work of Book Aid International through the distribution of books to rural schools and colleges in Africa.

The Asra Hawariat School, Addis Ababa

The Bridge of Hope Foundation supports the work of the Asra Hawariat School in Addis Ababa, which was founded almost 60 years ago to provide an education for children who otherwise would be unable to afford one. Over the years nearly 130,000 such children have benefitted and have been able to take their place in the vibrant society that is modern Ethiopia.

The Royal Overseas League Trust

Supporting young lives across the Commonwealth.

The Royal Overseas League Trust works in partnership with Bridge of Hope Foundation in Uganda to help children with disabilities to stay in school.

Royal Over-Seas League logo

Magdi Yacoub Heart Foundation

Bridge of Hope works closely with the Magdi Yacoub Foundation at the Aswan Heart Centre to help identify the sick children in need of educational support.

Beyond the Orphanage

Bridge of Hope has worked historically in partnership with “Beyond the Orphanage” Organisation in Addis Ababa to assist with the needs of orphaned children and abandoned  young people who otherwise would be destitute and on the streets without any family support. £312 a year sponsors the School fees, books, uniforms, subsistence costs and counseling service at the drop-in centre of Beyond the Orphanage.

Mike Campbell Foundation

Bridge of Hope has worked in partnership with the UK registered charity Mike Campbell Foundation, to help sponsor the education of children from the families of displaced farm labourers in Zimbabwe. The children selected are the poorest of the poor, coming from families living on a subsistence economy. Additional to paying the school fees, Bridge of Hope has sponsored the cost of the uniforms and exercise books.